
Welcome to fibre.optics, a blog focused on fibre arts and photography! This is a rebranded and rebuilt version of my previous blog, k2tog.

My name is Shannon. I can't remember when I started knitting, but I know I was quite young at the time. I still have my first swatch, a wretched thing in bright red acrylic with some rather interesting variations in tension. My next project was a cotton dishcloth, where I wrapped the yarn increasingly tightly until I could barely get the needle into the stitches. Thankfully, I've improved a little bit since then.

I love to knit lace. I'm also a fan of cables. I'm a recent sock and shawl convert, and now that I've been bitten by the bug, I hardly want to knit anything else. I dislike stranded knitting and intarsia (the process, not the result) yet, much to my dismay, I find myself knitting them on a not infrequent basis.

I'm a budding designer, still finding my way in the world of pattern publishing. It's a new challenge, but one I'm enjoying.

In my real life (ha!), I am a wife and a mother to two small children. Knitting keeps me sane--or at least less nuts than I'd be without it.

I'm also an amateur photographer, or at least an amateur interested in photography! I certainly don't claim to be an expert, but I do have a keen interest in improving my knitting photography, and in helping other fibre artists, especially designers, improve their photography. There is a serious lack of resources in this area, and although there is plenty of information available about photography in general, I hope to apply it specifically to knit- and crochet-related photography.

Thanks for stopping by!

I receive no compensation for the contents of this blog. I do not use affiliate links or advertising. It is purely a labour of love. If this ever changes, which I do not expect, I will alert readers on both this page, and in a blog post.

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